School & Community

Come to The Shaheen School and find campus life that celebrates distinctive voices. Build lifelong friendships with fellow students who share your interests, passions, and perspectives.

The Shaheen School is situated in the heart of Qasimabad, Hyderabad City's , with an academic quad that. Our school places students at the center of one of the Qasimabad's most vibrant and diverse communities, immersing them in the opportunities and conversations that are shaping the future. Rather than considering Qasimabad City to be merely the home of our college, we employ it as an extension of our school and as an integral part of an educational experience that gives students access to the thinkers and doers who make the city a global cultural leader.

Whether you're on our school in Qasimabad, Hyderabad City, the boundaries of the classroom dissolve as the city becomes your studio, rehearsal space, and research center.

Since 1998, our school & college has been home to revolutionary thought leaders, change-making social advocates, and ground-breaking artists. 

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Shaheen’s School Policies & Guidelines

Accidents and Injuries

All injuries at school must be reported to the person supervising the class or activity and to the Attendance Office. An accident injury report must be filled out by both student and staff member and be signed by the principal.


Assemblies are held periodically to present topics of interest or concern to the student body. All designated students are expected to attend. Prior to the assembly, leave your belongings in your classroom. No food, drinks, listening or entertainment devices are permitted. You are expected to arrive punctually, quickly take a seat in the assigned row with your teacher and wait quietly for the start of the presentation. During the assembly, listen carefully and respectfully. You are not permitted to leave the assembly except under extenuating circumstances. Students are not permitted in the halls during the assembly. Students who misbehave will be escorted to the office by staff. Once the presenter has been formally thanked, wait to hear the instructions about returning to class.

If you have an idea for an assembly, please talk with your Staff Advisor or Homeroom Teacher.

Athletic Points

Members of co-curricular sports teams can collect Athletic Points to obtain medals.


Celebrating student success is an important aspect of school life. Awards have been developed in our school programs and will be presented throughout the year.

Bulletin Boards/Posting of Signs

Nothing may be placed on, or removed from, the school bulletin boards except under the express instructions/approval of a member of the school administration. All posted signs must have the approval and signature of an administrator.

Bullying Prevention

Bullying hurts. It makes people miserable. It can change lives forever. The bullying problem can only be solved if young people and adults act together. We can make a difference. Don’t leave it up to others. What to do… If you are being bullied, or if you are worried about someone else who is being bullied, the most important thing to remember is to talk to someone you trust. What not to do… Don’t hide what is happening from the adults or peers you trust. There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you are in trouble. And Remember…

Nobody has the right to harm other people by harassing or defaming them in cyberspace, hitting or beating them, hazing or paddling them, calling them names or doing anything which is intended to be hurtful.

Bullying is wrong whatever the age of the person who is doing the bullying. If a student or adult is bullying you (or someone else) or trying to make you do something you think is wrong, you must talk to somebody you trust about this at once.

You can help other people who are being bullied. You can encourage them to talk to an adult, or you can offer to talk to an adult on their behalf. You might be able to let bullies know that you do not like what they are doing and that you are determined to see them stop.

You can also help by taking part in the school’s anti-bullying and bullying prevention activities.

There is no such thing as ‘innocent bystanders’.


Students may use the canteen at non-instructional times only (before school, at lunch-time or while on a designated study period). All food and beverages should be consumed in the canteen. Dispose of garbage appropriately. Everyone is expected to work together to maintain a clean, healthy environment. Do not litter anywhere on school property. Students who litter will be required to clean up the school grounds and may face suspension.

Change of Address or Phone Number

Students should provide information regarding change of address or phone numbers to the office. Student records and information regarding students that are mailed will be sent to the parent at the address on file.

Co-Curricular Activities

We are very proud of the participation of students and staff in the extensive array of co-curricular activities available at Shaheen. You are encouraged to join the groups that interest you most and thus broaden your high school experience. Check the clubs or teams that are listed on the Student Announcement board for more information. If you want to start a new club or team, find a staff member (willing to act as an advisor) to assist you.

At co-curricular events (sports events, plays, field trips, and academic competitions) it is expected that students will behave appropriately. There will be no name-calling, swearing, signs or behaviour meant to degrade other individuals or groups. Offensive and abusive language will not be tolerated.

Consent to Contact Parents

Students who are 18 years of age or older, and, who want staff members to communicate academic achievement, attendance or behaviour profile with parents/guardians, should complete the “Consent to Contact Parents” form from the office and submit it to the Main Office.

Cyberspace Etiquette & Safety

Students are encouraged to exercise careful thought and discretion when interacting or posting messages/images on the internet. The school name cannot be used in labels or titles for internet posts without the explicit permission of the school administration.

Daily Announcements

Announcements are an important way of communicating information about daily school life to all staff and students. If you wish to make an announcement, first get a form from the Main Office, print neatly, and have a staff member sign it. Announcements must be submitted on the form, and by 8:00 a.m., in order to be read. Announcements will be read a maximum of three consecutive times. Some announcements will be displayed on Shaheen news.

Emergency Procedures

Fire drills are conducted periodically. Fire exits and directions are posted in classrooms. All students are required by law to evacuate the building during fire drills. Other evacuation or lock-down drills may also be practiced.

Field Trips/Excursions

School field trips are all trips organized by staff members to promote student learning. They may be academic, athletic, vocational, technical or artistic.

Students must submit a completed permission form for each field trip that they take. It is the student’s responsibility to complete work missed in other classes as a result of participating in the trip. Each student should notify all of his/her teachers at least two days in advance of a trip.

Students on field trips are subject to the same expectations that apply at school. Because teacher supervisors are responsible for the safety and welfare of students, their instructions must be followed at all times. It is expected that students’ behaviour will reflect favourably on the school. Any infraction of school policy will have the same consequences as would apply in a classroom or on SPSC property.

Whenever a bus is arranged for a field trip, all students must go on the bus and return on the bus. Exceptions are to be cleared with a school administrator.

NOTE: In most instances, students will share the costs for the field trip. Students forfeiting the privilege of attending the trip due to misbehaviour, illness or family emergency will sacrifice their monies paid. This is necessary since costs remain fixed once a commitment has been made.

Food in Classrooms

Only water will be allowed in classrooms. Food and drinks other than water, will be allowed only with explicit permission from the teacher. Food or drink is also prohibited in the library and computer labs.

Fundraising Activities

Students wishing to raise funds for clubs, activities or special causes must obtain approval from their teacher-advisor, the Students’ Council and a school administrator. They will then book fundraising dates with the administrator in charge of the school calendar, and notify staff who are affected by the fundraising initiative. Personal pan-handling is forbidden on school property.

Graduation Ceremony

Students must complete all graduation requirements in order to receive their diploma.


In order to keep the main entrance to the school inviting to our visitors, students are to refrain from blocking doorways and access to the Main Office. Students should not loiter in hallways or stairwells. There should be no loud or distracting behaviour, especially during instructional periods. Games involving physical activity are disallowed in the hallways.

Health Matters

Students should have a basic awareness of their health history. Parents are required to inform the school (in writing) of any special health concerns of their child(ren) – particularly for emergency situations.

Lost and Found

Articles which have been found are to be brought to Attendance Office. You may check for lost articles there.

Neighbours’ Rights

Community residents have the rights of privacy, property, and freedom from abuse as provided by law. Do not loiter, trespass, litter, or be a nuisance in the community. School administrators will cooperate fully with property owners and law enforcement to identify students who violate these expectations.

Parents’ Night

The partnership between home and school helps to ensure that each student will do his or her best. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school at any time regarding information on students’ progress. A more formal opportunity for parents to meet with teachers is arranged following the distribution of Interim Reports. Parents and teachers will seek to keep open lines of communication on student behaviour, learning and achievement.

Personal Privacy

It is an invasion of privacy for unauthorized individuals to capture, manipulate, produce, publish, or display pictures or stories of a person or group, without permission of the featured person(s). Unsolicited or unwelcome personal contact of staff by students outside of school will not be tolerated. Serious consequences will follow such infringement.

Personal Property

Do not bring large amounts of money or valuable personal property to school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Never leave money or valuables in your locker or in the change room.

Physical Safety

Students’ physical safety and well-being are of utmost importance. Students must refrain from engaging in behaviours that put themselves or others at risk. To that end, horse-playing, birthday beats and other similar types of behaviour are disallowed at Shaheen. Please see the Safe & Supportive Schools Policy in the Guide to the School for more information.

Report Cards

Report cards are to be shared with parent(s)/guardian(s). They will be issued twice per year:

School Council

The Shaheen School Council meets four times per year; meetings. To confirm the dates, please see the School Council. All members of the school community are welcome to attend.

School Materials

Materials on loan to students are the property of The SPSC. Students are responsible for the return of their texts in good condition to their subject teacher at the end of each course. An assessment for damaged or lost books will be made by the subject teacher. Payment is made at the school office before exams or before the issuance of final report cards.

Smoking and Related Activities

To protect the health of staff and students and to comply with the Tobacco Control Act, SPSC properties are smoke-free. Chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco or holding lit tobacco is, therefore, prohibited on board property and in board operated buildings. Violation may result in suspension from school and/or fines.


Persons on school property and not registered at Shaheen are considered visitors and must report to the Main Office. Only visitors conducting school-related business are welcome. Please report to the Main Office before proceeding. Students are asked to not bring friends, siblings or pets to the school to spend the day. Such requests cannot be accommodated.



2019 & 2020


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May 2023

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